Well, I have had a little trouble pulling together a topic for today's post. So I think that it is appropriate to discuss procrastination*. Ah, procrastination. Mother Nature's way of thinning out the human herd. Think about**it. If a procrastinator creates the habit of waiting for everything to happen (or get done) then it is quite likely that reproduction on the behalf of the procrastinator would never occur. They would forever be waiting their lives away, and would never actually get off their asses and fornicate often enough (or maybe long enough) to create offspring.
Following that logic it is safe to assume that the personality predisposition to procrastinate could be the human Darwinian equivalent of natural selection. I once read that natural selection could originally be seen in the "hunter and gather" times when "natives" pushed buffalo herds off mountains and such so that they could survive. The people that had poor eyesight could not see harm in the way and therefore met their demise. The people that had physical disability would be unable to share in the spoils since they didn't fully participate in the gathering of food stuffs and supplies, which would eventually lead to ostracization of that person from the clan, tribe, etc. In a round about way it is likely that this then would lead to their inability to care for themselves. In short, don't bee sickly, disabled, or blind or you would have starved to death or fallen off a cliff in olden times.
Hunter Magoo
UPA. Copyrght MCMLX
Now for the rest of the story, I often find myself procrastinating for no other reason than I have made a habit of it. I often find myself wondering if I have Adult ADD or ADHD, which ever one means that I am medically able to procrastinate and have the attention span of a squirrel. Of course, I am not sure that the creation and access to social media helps. Mmmm...Pinterest. Mmmm...
Facebook. However, it is not only social media that does it; realistically crap TV, a good book (or a bad book for that matter), the cat, a hang nail, mirror reflections on the wall, a bug on the ceiling, or my guitar (among other things) could all be just as easily to blame for my complete disregard of a project that I know that I should finish or a chore I should do. This is probably the reason that there is a family of dust bunnies living under my bed that even the cat wouldn't dream of stalking. I remember when I was a teenager that my mother had once told me that I would grow out of the procrastination phase. I am sorry Mother; I believe that you are wrong.

So here I am struggling to finish this post because I can feel in my bones that there is something on Pinterest and Facebook that I am missing. There is likely to be at least one book in the stack of 4 that I have started that is bound to be amazing, and I am positive that there are 3 paintings that I need to finish. Not to mention the laundry list of songs that I want to learn...oh and the laundry. Oh look a recipe for
Chicken Fajita Flatbread Pizza....
* And apparently a warped view of Darwinism, I am not really sure how that happened.
**Seriously, this is the point in writing today's post where I got sidetracked by Pinterest for 20 minutes, and totally forgot that I was writing this.
P.S. I want to make it clear that I own no part of this video. I simply took it off Youtube.com, trimmed it, and uploaded it here.
Click here to see the full version.
We unite tomorrow? I guess I will be missing yet another meeting. -.-