Let's talk about that little phenomenon, shall we? Isn't it wonderful knowing that you have something important or necessary that you have to
do early in the morning (when you want to be sleeping anyway) and the
night before every possible thing that could keep you from sleeping does
just that? No it isn't. All of a sudden you brain has decided to rage
war on your ability to sleep. You begin to create a grocery list, that
song that you have always hated keeps playing its most irritating lines
over and over like a vinyl with a scratch*, every time you get
comfortable the cat is uncomfortable and you begin that fun battle for
bed space and enough blanket to cover you ass so that you don't get
frost bite, or (my personal favorite) every rouge feather in you pillow
decides to make its way the fabric's surface and poke you in the face.
So you wiggle around and you toss and turn and you stare at the clock
counting down the hours you have to sleep. All the while, you are
becoming more and more exhausted and frustrated by the minute. If you
are like me you are not delusional. You know just exactly how ornery you
are on a regular morning, and even though it is 3:46 AM and you only
have 2 hours and 23 minutes to sleep you feel bad for any of the idiots
that are bound to cross your path tomorrow.
The Where-The-Hell-Are-You-Going? Face |
Eventually, it happens. The alarm clock goes off blaring in you ear, but at this point you are too drunk with exhaustion to find it with any type of speed and accuracy. If you are like me you are likely to hit the top of the lamp, knock a book and a glass of water onto the floor, and upsetting the cat who at this point is more irritated with you insolence than anything else. So you crawl out of bed, meander into the shower, and get dressed. Your shoes find their way on your feet, and much to your surprise you are ready to get out the door on time. Bonus!!
But we all know that the people that will pass by you during the day will notice that you had forgot to brush your hair and the bags on under your eyes would never be considered a carry-on. It will feel as if no amount of coffee is going to correct what has gone so sorely wrong...that is until about 10:00 that night when you are contemplating going to bed, but you are more interested in the idea of mowing the house and painting the lawn, because your body is now on caffeine overload. Two hours later you finally make it to bed after you have done more Jumping Jacks and arm raises in that time then you have done in ten years only to lay down, look at the clock, and realize you have exactly 7 hours and 28 minutes to sleep before you have to get up in the morning. "Damn it!! 8-6-7-5-3-oh-niiieeeiioon, 8-6-7-5-3-oh-niiieeeiioon, apples, Worcestershire sauce, string cheese...fuck."

* For all of you youngsters out there: A vinyl is short for "vinyl record." A vinyl record was a large, black disc (for lack of a better term) that spun on something called a turntable (Google it. I don't have time to explain everything to you), and the turntable was wired into speakers. The needle on the turntable than played the music that was "encrypted" on the "disc". They are very cool and once upon a time they were the only way to buy music. Think giant black CD, and if you can't remember when music was strictly on CD...then go read something else this blog is not for you.
I just plain miss mornings! Working mid-nights is just as brutal as having to wake up before the sun rises. You are the polar opposite to the world!