I (unlike some of my family members) was blessed with a small/slightly below average nose size so I find it hard to believe that there could really be this much snot in there. But 2 rolls of toilet paper, a box and a half of Kleenex, and a large quantity of paper towel later-- I am still spewing mucus at an alarming rate. My A&P class taught me that the creation of mucus in the body is to help line and protect mucosal membranes. Well, what the fuck is this much snot protecting? This like a Slip and Slide for nose goblins! Whatever part of my body needs this much protection should probably be removed or relocate to a body that can take better care of it. I am obviously not doing a good job.
Ren and Stimpy
Nose Goblins copyright 1991-92
My Nettie Pot* surely helps the situation, but by the time that I rejoice in being able to breath out of both nostrils again one of them has already retreated to a state of stuffiness. This is really getting ridiculous. I am beginning to rethink my stance on mucus removing medications. I am really not one to take meds for the sake of taking them. I really believe that when you are sick you need to allow your body to fight off what ever you are sick with so that your immunities can build up against future illness. (I know that is crazy foolish talk to some of you hospital/doctor goers, but seriously, everything is not meant to be cured chemically.)So the moral of this story is this: I don't feel sick anymore, but I am still a mouth-breather. AND THAT DRIVES ME CRAZY!! I absolutely hate when someone won't close their mouth and breathe through their nose, and now I am one of them. This abundance of sputum has made me like those that irritate me. I wonder if this Karma...nope just boogers.
*Let me explain the Nettie Pot to you. For all of you that don't know, it is a little tea-pot-shaped vessel that you fill with water and a saline solution. You then place the spout of the Nettie Pot into one nostril and through the magic that is gravity the snot and solution pours out the other nostril. It is truly a sight to behold. FYI: This is probably not something that you will want to use in front of someone you are in a new relationship with. This is not like the first pee in front of the person you may think that you have a future with. It is much grosser, and the faint of heart will leave you high and dry (and dripping with snot). This application is only to be done in the presence of people that are in it for the long hall. If you are unsure, shut the bathroom door.
P.S. As with the last video I posted I own no part of it. I am simply using it to create some funny. I took this one of YouTube also and it can be found there.
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