"What do you mean?" You ask. I mean that my immune system has turned against more than this streptococcus infection, and I am pretty sure that it is just trying to kill me from the inside out on a day that I have no choice but to go out into the world and deal with shit that I barely want to give attention to on a standard day. There is nothing worse than having to go to work, or today in my case, school when you are sick. Everyone is loud, even though my head is pounding. I still have to get work done, even though I am so doped up on anti-snot meds that I can barely form a thought. Let me tell you, for this girl, there is no such thing as discrete nose blowing. And I pretty sure that I could be trailed by the tissue that I am leaving in my wake.** Likewise, I have officially become a mouth breather, because my nostrils are officially bricked up with carefully stacked green, sticky...you know where this is going. And I hate mouth breathers. That drives me nuts. Shut your damn mouth; that is why you have more than one orifice in your face in which to take in air. You can see why
And then it comes to you, like the wave of excitement when your nostrils clear for no apparent
reason and you believe in that split second before they reseal themselves, that Karma is not punishing you. You are not the one who is being targeted. It is Mr. Helpful. You have been chosen by the Universe to smite those that are in need of their Karmic comeuppance. For all of his stating the obvious Mr. Helpful has been sighted, judged, and can now serve his sentence for being the pain in the ass that he is and for never filling the paper in the copy machine and parking his gas guzzling SUV in your parking spot. With one perfectly timed sneeze or strategic freshly coughed on hand placement you could reign down the fury that is this hellacious virus onto him like the fiery blade of an Archangel....and just as you are about to pat his back with a damp hand and that look on your face that says that you so appreciate his concern for your well being you sneeze-- shooting a glob of snot out of your nose that shocks and awes you both. As you reach in a panic for a tissue to cover the disgusting-ness that you have just fired out of your face your realize, that the Karmic justice was yours all along. Maybe you should have let your significant other watch that stupid fucking TV show last week or bought that over-priced, poorly made toy for your child. Or maybe, just maybe, you should wash your hands more diligently it is fucking cold and flu season.
*I realize that in the world of Karmic understanding that this is not meant as punishment, but as a tool from which you should learn from your mistakes....I assure you I feel punished. As such I will try from now on to refrain from complaining about that girl at the coffee shop that fucks up my Iced Carmel Macchiato with no whip every time I order it as though she has a personal order from corporate to do so...in case that is the constant bitch that I have pushed the limit with.
**Okay, not really. I am not a savage. Sick or not, I know how to use a trash can. Unless I am at home. In which case, missed tissues next to the trash can while trying to make 3-pointers from bed is close enough. Whatever. You do it too. Don't judge. That is what got us into this mess to begin with.
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