However, I have to admit that being a crazy cat lady is not the only thing that makes me realize that I may be old beyond my years. I have also began to realize that my body is slowly giving out on me. There was a time when I could do whatever I wanted without consequence, and now if I sleep incorrectly (like with one leg hanging off the lounger while I am face down in the pillow and both hands strait out over my head while trying to get a tan in the yard) my bones creak and crack, and I feel as though I have been hit by a bus*. I never really understood why people complained that their knees hurt or they had a kink in their neck when they had done nothing more then eat Cheetos and watch TV for an entire day, but now if I look to the left too quickly while trying to stand up while working in my flowerbeds it is likely that I will suffer severe whiplash and chronic awfulness disease as a result. Which is accompanied by multiple days of comparing my new owie with anyone how mentions one of their own, and then reliving the event in detail to prove to them that my trauma was way worse and debilitating than theirs.
See my pretty tulips!*** |
So here I am 28 years old going on 82. I find myself surveying bumps and moles** and talking openly about my creaking bones and forgetfulness (we will talk about that phenomenon in a future post). I can't help but wonder if this is the age that my parents and grandparents started to find these traits in themselves. And if it is, please, please who ever you are that is in charge of this science experiment and sitcom that is life do not let me begin to call things whats-its and whos-its and what-cha-ma-things. I certainly must be too young to be a what-cha-ma-call-it with the thing-a-ma-bob that drives me crazy when Snicklefritz does it.

** I wonder if I should start a mole journal...note to self.
***Yes, this really is a picture that I took from my garden a couple of days ago. Not only do I grow flowers, talk about growing flowers, and try to get others to enjoy growing flowers as much as I do, I also shamelessly document in photos my beautiful yield because I am one of those weirdos. Besides these pictures make an excellent addition to my photo albums full of pictures of my cats wearing ridiculous head gear and looking less than enthused.
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