We all know that kid who comes to a party or gathering or
just wanders into a conversation and has absolutely nothing to offer in the way
of valuable input. This is also, generally, the same person that has an
outlandish story that needs characters you have never met in order to make the
story work. These characters are generally introduced as “my buddy” or “You
know Cory’s uncle?* Oh. Well it is his second cousin.” Likewise, this is
someone that you are never going to meet and they certainly are not going to be
available for clarification at the time of the story’s telling. Meanwhile, the
story teller goes on telling their tall-tale as though the connection that they
attempted to make has been made and you are on board with everything that they
are saying.
All you really want is a way out as one story fades into
another. You are beginning to feel like a bobble head because you have been
lackadaisically nodding your head for so long. Who
are you? You can see your friends outside this personal hell laughing and
smiling. They are drinking and enjoying the conversations that they are in. What
is that like? It has been so long since you enjoyed a conversation you can’t
even remember it, but you are sure that it had nothing to do with Marlin
fishing on the Great Lakes. Especially since there IS NOT Marlin fishing on the
Great Lakes. All the while you are ready
to go on a killing rampage. You begin to wonder how you could stop the bullshit
from spewing so haphazardly from the story teller’s mouth. Would it be wrong to
punch him square in the mouth and then walk away as though you never noticed? There
must be something, anything, that will remove you from this guy’s line of fire.
Then it happens. Your beer is empty. You can excuse yourself to the cooler.
“Hey I’m going to go grab a
beer. Can you just stay here a minute?” And without missing a beat or even
taking a breath, “Me too. I’ll go with you. So anyway then we were…” SON OF A
BITCH!! Who is this guy?! Of course he is going to go with you. He has ran his
mouth for forty-five minutes he is probably more parched than the Sahara.
So that is what he does. Fortunately, he can talk and
walk at the same time because you just wouldn’t be able to handle a moments
silence as you slink in and out of other groupings of people. You notice the
look of pity on your friends’ faces, and you swear that one of them mouthed
“hang in there.” Why will the chatter never end? And then it happens, just as
his buddy begins to ride a horse down main street, your friend (a real person,
possibly the only person that you invited that truly loves you) says, “I have
been looking for you all over. I need you in the kitchen. Can you come take a
look?” You scamper up the stairs and onto the deck leaving whats-his-face in
your dust. You are so overjoyed that you have found the escape hatch that when the
door slams behind you, you have to take a few deep breaths to make sure that it
is all real. You have escaped. I bet that is how inmates feel after 20 years in prison digging out with a tooth pick and
a spoon. Free.

too many people lined up. The bedroom? Yeah, the bedroom. You could play sick for a minute. And then as you are about to make another grand escape there he is standing directly in front of you with outstretched arms. You return an awkward side hug and fake some nicety and a “we’ll see you next time” to appease him. Even though inside you are doing the Snoopy dance because you no longer have to dodge him. Once he is out the door. You ask one more time, “Who is that guy?” This time you are in the proximity of someone that has an answer (not a good one, but an answer none the less), “That is Cory’s uncle’s friend.” Of course it is. Why didn’t I think of that?
* What I should have said: “No, I don’t know Cory’s uncle.
Who the fuck is Cory, and how would I know his uncle?”
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