I don’t know about you, but I am over all the
oversensitivity that our society displays. That being said, there is some very
real hate mongering that is in need of attention in our society, and it should
be dealt with appropriately before we are in a state of full-scale civil unrest.
Regardless of who you voted for or your political affiliation, there are issues
that are rightfully in need of discussion*, but this new attitude of
victimization is getting out of hand.
It doesn’t matter what the topic is anymore; all you have to
do is hold your mouth wrong and people are all over one and other. What
happened to being able to go for the laugh or say what you feel? Every word
that is spoken, written, heard, read, or thought has become fodder for someone
to unleash their feelings because…fuck, I don’t even know why. They weren’t
hugged enough as a child, I guess. While it might not be PC to say something
that you feel or think is humorous, it is not wrong to do so. What is wrong is
saying or doing something hurtful for the sake of being just that: being hurtful.
Often it isn’t even about whether or not the action/comment was hurtful, as
much as it is about having a varied opinion. It is okay to have a different opinion
from one and other. It is not the end of the world to make a joke on a
controversial topic. We can’t be right all the time, and everyone’s joke falls
flat on occasion. Not everyone is going to agree with everyone else. We have
all dropped a punchline and heard crickets. It happens. It doesn’t make it okay
to turn your dislike for something into a beratement of the person you disagree
with; get a grip.
Let me just put this out there: every snide comment, meme, post
you don’t agree with, inappropriate joke, or cake recipe that is different from
your grandmother’s is not about you. Let me say that again:
“EVERYTHING IS NOT ABOUT YOU!” If you have ever used the words “…I never…” or
“…I always…”, you are full of shit. No one “always” or “nevers” anything. There
are no such things as absolutes. The world, life, human nature is simply not
that black and white.
Does anyone stop and ask themselves anymore why they are
upset that Joe Blow put a up a slightly inappropriate meme/post that somehow
goes against their core values? Do you even know what your core values are
anymore? Or are you just finding any excuse to mount that soap box because you
have no other outlet. Are you really just itching to use that sound bite or
quote that you found in the first article (well, half an article) on your idiot
box or “smart” device this morning? Are you itching for a fight because the cat
threw-up on your pillow, the neighbor stole your paper, or you got another
parking ticket? Maybe you need a good night’s sleep, a seven-day vacation, or a
blow job? For crying out loud, do us all a favor and take care of yourself for
once: don’t park in front of the fire hydrant, call in sick, put your hand down
your pants, and take a fucking nap.
When did it become so easy to totally disregard someone
simply because they don’t concede to your lifestyle or school of thought? Controversy
of ideology is what makes people grow. Before you condemn someone for saying or
doing something that you find inappropriate consider first why they may have
felt that way or seen the issue in that light, and consider why you feel the
way you do before going off on a tangent as to how wrong this person’s actions
or thoughts are. Are you really even offended, or are you just fucking bored? You may be able to “unfriend” or “block”
someone in the soul-sucking, faceless social media forum, but what are you
going to do when that person sees you in the grocery store or at your kid’s
soccer game? What I am saying is this: an entire human being does not disappear
with the click of a mouse. There are real people attached to the names on the
screens of your devices; treat them as such. And don’t be so self-absorbed that
you think that every comment, meme, or emoji is somehow directed at you; 9
times out of 10 you are not a blimp on the fucking radar. Get over yourselves.
We all just need to calm the fuck down, and take a deep
breath; there I said it.
*This is not the appropriate forum to express to me how your
candidate is or is not responsible for our current state of things. In short,
we are all losers here, and I don’t care what wing you fly with…either way, if
you are only flying with one wing you are going in circles, my friend.