I don't mean to be a people hater. There are just some days that make dealing with other people on the planet less tolerable than others*. As soon as I got out of bed this morning I was ready to climb back in and hide from the world. So here I sit, writing this blog and blaring Death Metal into my ear holes and silently hating the blond girls across from me that are sucking all of the air out of the room with their unnecessary "...like, oh my God..." talk. I am guessing that they must take all of those deep breaths between sentences to refill all of the empty fucking space in their heads. I wonder how many times they used the word "like" in there admittance applications.
Don't worry though this rage didn't come out of no where; I'm not a sociopath. Well at least I don't think so. That is the conundrum though isn't it: if you're crazy do you know it. The progression of my discontent unfolded something like this. Stats offered information that I am never going to bother with as soon as I walk out the door of this Capitalist fucking boot camp for the middle class. Keep swallowing the Kool-Aid kids! Then onward we marched to the cafeteria where, while microwaving my lunch, some douche bag with no decorum took my lunch out of the microwave to heat his own. Seriously!!! What are you the king of the microwave? Step back and wait your turn. Dick. Then, to perpetuate the infuriation, they were out of my favorite soda in the canteena. Which means that I had to pick a full calorie soda (because fuck water) which is against my diet plan (don't even get me started on my diet). Fuck today!
This type of interaction with a select few people that are either emotionally or socially** inept drives me right up the wall. They are the same d-bags that stop in the middle of a hallway to text their significant other, throw paper at each other between class (yeah, because this is fucking grade school), and use "oh my god" in a sentence the way most people use a comma. What kind of mouth-breathing helicopter parents created these fuckers? Don't even get me started these "they all need trophies" parents that are too worried about Little Johnny's delicate psyche to cuff their kid in the back of the head when they are being an asshole.
In two long and excruciating hours I am finally going to be done with this damn place for the day. As a matter of fact, I will probably get a great deal of this anger out while yelling at the penises that don't know what a speed limit is (because back-seat road rage is one of my personal strong suits). But if that doesn't do the trick I might just go home take a shower, crack open a bottle of whiskey, and have one fuck of a hangover in the morning. I guess we will just have to see how this thing plays out.
*And the first motherfucker that asks me if I am PMS-ing is going to get shived!!!
**Coming from someone that is social uncouth that is really saying something.