Where am I going with this? You ask. Well hold on a minute! I'm getting there.
I am so sick of people posting on their social media outlets "words of wisdom" about how important it is for someone to find them perfect and irresistible. Let me tell you something: Your chronic whining about how worthy you are of love makes you much less desirable!! Also, there is no such thing as a "perfect" love or relationship. That shit is messy and it takes a lot of work, and people that tell you otherwise are baldfaced liars. Things like, "If you wait too long to tell me you love me, I might not be waiting for you to say it anymore." Is the stupidest fucking thing I have ever heard! If you are waiting for someone to realize that they love you and profess that love to you, you find a better way to spend your time and energy. If you think that it is okay to post a generalized meme like that you are fishing for sympathy not trying to actually gain someone's affection. Get over yourself.
A note on Valentine's Day* and all of the "poor me" posts and "when is it my turn for love" memes that go along with it...

Okay, so back to the I'm-so-sad-please-feel-sorry-for-me-because-I'm-so-alone posts. Oh yeah, the people that are guilty of the "poor me memes" are the same people that post the "why doesn't anyone love me?" posts. Let me tell you something...it isn't that no one loves you. Because if no one loves you then those of us that actually know you outside of social media wouldn't listen to you do this same amount of whining in person. That, my friend, is love. Also, as a side note to those of you that haven't talked to your woe-is-me friend in 10 years, your responding to this foolishness by posting "I love you. Is everything, okay? You can call me if you need to...." isn't necessary. You too need to get over yourself. The person you are consoling is a whiner and if you really believe that after 10 years of not talking to someone that you are the person they need to intercede and tell them how wonderful they are you have delusions of grandeur.
In conclusion, nothing is as bad as it seems. If you are so forlorn about your love life that you need to post your distress on social media to validate you neediness I have a solution for you: Quit blaming others and figure out what it is about yourself that sends people running away from you!!!! I will bet that part of it is your incessant need for validation. You are better than this, and until you figure that out nothing anyone can or does say is going to change the way you feel.
*Consider this my Post-Valentine's Day post.
P.S. I know that I have recently put up a couple of posts about memes that I find stupid. Let me clarify that I love memes. They make me laugh (really hard sometimes). I just hate people that are stupid. End post. ;)