I was reluctant to get on any type of social media site. I watched my friends drop like flies staring at their computers screens for hours typing and clicking away the precious minutes of their lives. I just didn't see the necessity in it, and though I was eventually talked into joining, I still don't really get it. However, I have to say that I am now a droning clicking drooling mind melder. Not my finest moment, but the first step to getting better is to admit that you have a problem.*
I can handle the fact that I have lost hours and even whole days to the drudgery that is cat pictures and clever memes. I can admit that I have spent more time than necessary to selectively organizing my picture boards full of projects that I like in theory but will never accomplish in real life. I thumbs-up the picture of your diapered homely baby because it will hurt your feelings if I don't. I will even give congratulations, condolences, and moral support for you and your children when I am not really invested in what is happening in your life. BUT I CAN NOT STAND MEMES THAT CALL ME AN ASSHOLE!!
Let me elaborate...

I do not need to re-post, share, like, or comment on a photo to clarify that I believe in your god, hate child abuse, want a cure for cancer, need good luck, want world peace, want to find the Land of Lost Socks, complete a Suduko, or what ever it is that you think that I need to prove to continue to be a version of what you think is a good person. Likewise, I am not a bad person, will not have bad luck, won't wake u in a tub of ice without a kidney, or single-handedly increase the severity of the hole in the ozone if I don't re-post your judge-y meme. What makes people think that it is okay to ensinuate that someone is not their "real friend" if they don't share a digital photo that relays an idea that they may or may not share with you? If you want a "real friend" quit putting so much pressure on me to believe everything you do. I value my friends because they are different me with different ideas and values. If we all acted and thought the same way then there would be nothing challenging or interesting about anyone.
On a similar note, if you know that 50 or 60 or 70 or 91 percent of your friends are not going to re-post something take a moment to really consider why you are posting it yourself. Are you posting it because you believe what it is saying? Also, just because the meme says something to the effect of "...but it is okay if you don't re-post this I know you would if you could," realize that you might as well be saying "Since you don't re-post this and believe what I believe and stand by the issues I do you are spineless and I forgive you. Yep, that is what it sounds like. Who's the asshole now?

My point is this: Don't be a lemming. If you want to make a statement make it your own. Be brave enough to personalize an idea. Be able to back up the thought. And most of all, be open-minded enough to accept your friends for who they are. Don't determine the quality of a friendship based on your friends ability to be a bobble-head on a social media forum. There is more to life than that. Power down, let your eyes adjust to a world that has more depth than the 18 inches between yourself and the computer screen, and
be the person you insinuate you are. If you want to find a cure for cancer have a bake sale and donate the profits. If you want to end animal abuse create awareness of the problem or take in a rescue animal***. If you want to celebrate your belief in your god go to church or do some charity work on their behalf. But DO NOT threaten me with misfortune or heartlessness if I don't click the "share" button or forward your e-mail.
*I write a blog called Sarcasm or Truth, and I am a mindless social media addict.
**On a similar note, that chain letter that I sent in the 90's never produced a dime, and I am not going to start sharing memes to get thousands of dollars until I see it pay off for someone else.
***We rescued a dog a few years ago and it has been VERY rewarding for us and life-changing for him.